Description and use of TimeTracking
The TimeTracking system is intended to measure production times. The TimeTracking system can be used anywhere where the time spent on a contract or operation needs to be measured. TimeTracking measures standard and non-standard time of production, job standard and time spent on overheads. The TimeTracking system displays workers and the work they are currently performing in real time, the time of work on a contract and also the time needed to finish standard jobs. In a nutshell – you will have a complete picture of who is working on which contract and when the contract will be finished. The system will store all the data and you will be able to analyse it later. You will be able to assess individual contracts and the performance of individual employees.
TimeTracking focuses on simple implementation and use. No expensive hardware or complex training of your employees is needed for TimeTracking. The TimeTracking system is designed so people not used to working with a computer can use it.
Who is TimeTracking intended for?
Imagine you have your own company, which manufactures and assembles fitted kitchens. You have a contract for which you set a price. You know the costs associated with this contract, but you don’t know how long your workers will process it. You may have an estimate, but it can differ from the reality. That is why it is important to know all production times. The TimeTracking system simply measures all production times associated with a contract and you will see precisely how much a contract costs you in wages. The same process can be applied in construction and other industries, e.g., in IT.
If you are interested in how the TimeTracking works system for measuring standardized times, please read the description, or watch a few previews of TimeTracking.